Travel and Learning Award for Anna High

Supporting Anna to attend an online professional development course on mindfulness awareness from UCLA to further explore the use of mindfulness in the legal profession.
Borrin Foundation Travel and Learning Award
Anna’s plan
Anna has a longstanding interest in the “mindfulness in law” movement. The Travel & Learning is supporting her to pursue this interest further through online coursework at UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center. The incorporation of mindfulness into the law school curriculum is based on neuroscience research exploring the efficacy of mindfulness training on attention, emotional regulation and working memory in high stress professions.
About Anna
Anna High (LLB, BA (UQ), BCL MPhil, DPhil (Oxon); Rhodes Scholar Qld & Magdalen 2008) is Senior Lecturer at the University of Otago, where she teaches Evidence, Jurisprudence and Chinese Law. Prior to joining the Faculty in 2017, Anna was Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence at Loyola University Chicago School of Law.
Grant Amount
$600 in 2021
“As legal academics, part of our duty of care towards our law students is to prepare them to be resilient lawyers, focused lawyers, and empathetic lawyers. This will allow them to maximise their contribution to the development of a just, inclusive and tolerant society – in line with Judge Borrin’s vision of law as a force for good in the world.”
– Anna High