Report: Survey of financial mentoring and budgeting services in Aotearoa

Survey of financial mentoring and budgeting services in Aotearoa on high cost loans, debt collection and other consumer credit issues

Publication date: February 2019

Authors: Dr. Liz Gordon, Justice Innovation Centre, Community Law Canterbury with Tim Barnett and Soraiya Daud, FinCap; Emeritus Professor Jeremy Finn, Justice Innovation Centre, Community Law Canterbury and The University of Canterbury; Victoria Stace, Victoria University of Wellington; and Dr. Ganesh Nana and Sam Green, BERL

This report is part of a larger research project exploring opportunities to reform and improve consumer credit law. It summarises findings from a survey of 76 financial capability and budgeting services about high cost short term loans, debt collection and other consumer credit issues. The report was the result of a collaboration of FinCap, the Justice Innovation Centre and Community Law Canterbury.

Related Borrin Foundation Grant: Creating just consumer credit law

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