Reform of the Oceans Management System: A Pathway for Reform (phase 2)
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About the project
This is phase 2 of EDS’s oceans management system reform project. It follows on from phase 1 which conceptualised the oceans management system, looked at a variety of options for reform across a number of themes, and presented four distinct starting points for what whole of system reform could look like.
Phase 2 will generate a set of criteria by which various specific options for reform can be evaluated; fully develop a recommended model for a future oceans management system and justify its selection by reference to the criteria; map out a pathway to the reformed model over the short, medium and long-term; and analyse how the new model will intersect with other reform measures that are underway or anticipated.
This phase of the project is designed to provide a detailed design for a new system that can inform government’s ongoing ocean reform agenda. It will provide one tangible blueprint, informed by broad engagement, as a useful input or starting point for a national conversation about oceans reform.
Grant amount
$125,000 over 20 months in 2022-2024
About the Environmental Defence Society
The Environmental Defence Society (EDS) is an environmental non-government organisation comprised of resource management professionals. Established in 1971, EDS brings together the disciplines of science, law and planning to seek better environmental outcomes.
EDS litigates on nationally important issues, undertakes environmental research and policy analysis, and profiles key issues through seminars and conferences. It runs New Zealand’s leading environmental summit, and a climate change and business conference, both annually.
In undertaking its activities, EDS seeks to build constructive partnerships and relationships with community organisations, iwi, business and government agencies. For more see
Raewyn Peart, Policy Director, Environmental Defence Society